Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thursday, Friday, Saturday 28th 29th 30th April 1853

The runs respectively have been 140, 159 and 145 miles the wind has been very light, and this day Saturday are for the first time westerly. Should we go on as we have been doing and no other accident occurs we may expect to arrive at Galle on Tuesday or Wednesday...

...Nothing worthy of particular notice occurred during these three days. The passengers amused themselves in various ways, reading writing, cards ,chess and quoits in a small way on deck. During the day I generally read or wrote in the saloon or in my own cabin: I found reading anything that required close attention to be very difficult, being very apt to fall asleep over it from, I suppose the combined effect of the heat and the rocking motion of the vessel, gentle though that was. At least, so a fellow passenger thought who had lived many years in India who experienced the same thing on board but not on land. In the evenings while the moonlight lasted I generally walked about upon deck watching the sunset which was frequently very beautiful and afterwards enjoying the comparatively cool air and the soft moonlight; as the moonlight left us, frequently I engaged at a game of chess...

The full journal will soon be published by Annet House Museum, Linlithgow. Waldie's journey to India forms a key feature of the museum's Waldie exhibition.

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